Wednesday, September 26, 2012

30 Days To a More Efficient Household

I making the commitment today to make my home a more efficient household in the next thirty days. I have been feeling a little overwhelmed and tired. I find myself scrambling to fix dinner, putting the kids to bed without reading them a bedtime story and over all neglecting the important things.

It all started a few months ago. I started creating websites online in hopes of making a few extra dollars. I have to admit I'm addicted to Squidoo but it went from being my creative outlet to my escape from reality.

My husband and I had been planning a vacation for the girls' third birthday for nearly a year. It wasn't a big vacation but money has been tight so we were pinching our pennies and making plans. I'm sad to say that our vacation was a flop! What does this have to do with our household. Well. I couldn't help but feel defeated. I started dedicating more and more time to the computer.

I got this crazy idea that if I made a little extra money making websites that life would be easier to manage.

My mother said something to me that made a lot of sense. She said " If you can't be happy with what you have than you won't be happy with more". Wow!! what an eye opener.

My goals for the next thirty days:

1. Spend more quality time with my children and less time on the computer
2. Get more fresh air and exercise
3. Organize and baby proof the house before the holidays..... the baby is crawling it needs to be done.

Today is day 1 of a healthier, happier home.
The baby sat up today for the first time!
I took the time to make cookies with the girls.

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