Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Rainy Day With Grandma

It is actually raining in west Texas!!The husband is at work today. Mom bought the girls bikes last night so we decided to pick them up from Walmart today. I'm pretty sure mom is exhausted from playing hide and seek last night. It takes 30 minutes to convince Sofia to put on the matching pants to her blouse and another 30 minutes to convince Abby to go to the bathroom before we leave. Mom has to go out and move her car because she parked it behind the van. The baby is screaming because he doesn't want to be in his car seat. I just look at the kiddos and shake my head.

My mom lets the girls in the van first so they start screaming that Anthony is going to smash their fingers when I pass his car seat to the back. I explain to mom that she has messed up the routine. Anthony is seated first than Sofi, than Abby. She is hot, sweaty and out of breath. "This is a lot of work" is all she can manage to get out.

It's funny, how people don't realize how tough it is to be a stay at home mom. My mom stayed home with my brother and me but she came from a different generation. She focused on cleaning the house and cooking dinner. She did not have a computer,didn't clip coupons and definitely did not play with us kids. We were not given choices. My mom was the dictator no questions asked. I look at my children who want the baggies of snacks I've packed and the stuffed animals that always tag along and can't help but wonder how they would act if I was more like my mother. Would life be easier? Would they be better behaved? Would we be at Walmart alread? 

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