Sunday, November 4, 2012

How Do You Stay Positive During Tough Times

My husband and I have been experiencing some tough times in the last few weeks. It seems like everything in the house has decided to break at the same time and the hospital bills keep rolling in. It is so important to stay positive and proactive during tough times. It is so easy to let yourself feel defeated, especially so close to the holidays.

I  continue to make a little money from home. My Squidoo articles have earned a total of $24.00 in sales last month and I am positive this month will be even better. I have already made $25.00 this month. I cleaned up some of the kids old toys and sold them at a local consignment sale and made an extra $50.00 and my husband has worked 2 overtime shifts this pay period. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. God willing we will pay off the medical bills with our income tax check and start putting some money back in our savings account. Keep your head, stay positive, the tough times shall pass.

How do you stay positive during tough times?

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